Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang (Hoi An) Train
Basic Information of Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang Train
The railway of Ho Chi Minh City to Danang train is about 935 km. There are 5 Reunification Express trains running on this route, no tourist train. They daily take about 18 hours from Saigon to Danang or return. The seat types of Ho Chi Minh City to Danang train include the hard seat, the soft seat, hard berth (6 berths in a cabin) and the sort berth (4 berths in cabin), all carriages and cabins are air-conditioned with the comfortable seats/berths.
Ho Chi Minh City to Danang Rail Map
Ho Chi Minh City was the old capital of South Vietnam during the war, Da Nang is Vietnam’s third-largest city. Hoian is a small UNESCO listed city located near to Danang, travelers would not miss Hoi An for their Vietnam visit. So there are many options to travel from Ho Chi Minh to Danang (Hoi An), includes flight, bus and train. If you have enough time, taking train from Ho Chi Minh to Da Nang would be a lovely way compared with flight and bus. You will have plenty of time to pass the city, country side, and enjoy the wonderful scenery along the coast. And you have more chance to meet the local Vietnamese people and experience their culture.
There are two day time trains and three overnight trains. The day time trains will take a whole day long on the train, so most travelers prefer the overnight trains, which would save one night room rate, and you still have time to enjoy the passing views during the day time.
Railway Stations of Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang Train

Location: 1 Nguyen Thong, Ward 10, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

Location: 791, Hai Phong Street, Thanh Khe District, Danang.
Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang Train Schedule
(Last Updated on May 14, 2020)
Departs |
Arrives |
Train No. |
Train Type |
Ticket Fare (US$) |
06:00 |
22:44 |
SE8 |
Reunification Express |
43-66 |
09:00 |
02:47+ |
SE6 |
11:50 |
06:15+ |
SE22 |
19:45 |
12:30+ |
SE4 |
45-66 |
21:55 |
13:38+ |
SE2 |
Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang Train Schedule
(Last Updated on May 14, 2020)
Departs |
Arrives |
Train No. |
Train Type |
Ticket Fare (US$) |
22:36 |
16:05+ |
SE7 |
Reunification Express |
43-64 |
01:21 |
20:03 |
SE5 |
43-64 |
09:55 |
05:08+ |
SE21 |
11:23 |
04:45+ |
SE3 |
45-66 |
13:41 |
05:45+ |
SE1 |
What are the food, bedding and toilet like on the train?
There are food trolleys on the train, providing local meals, snacks, bottle water, soft drinks and local ice coffee. If you don’t like to buy these food on board, burgers and chips could be bought at Ho Chi Minh train station.The beddings on the train will not be changed during the trip, so if you are boarding at Ho Chi Minh, the beddings would be clean, while if you get on the train at a stopping station, the bedding could be used by the previous traveler.
As for the toilet, there are western toilet on the train, and the cleanliness is not too bad.
How to get Hoi An from Danang?
From Danang to Hoian, the distance is only about 30km. Taxi is the most convenient and easiest option. You don’t need to book it in advance. It takes about 40-50 minutes, and costs USD15 to USD25. You could also take public bus, the bus stop is only 5-min walk from Da Nang Railway station.