Ulaanbaatar to Sukhbaatar Train
Chinggis Khaan Square, Ulaanbaatar
Currently, there are 5 pairs of Ulaanbaatar to Sukhbaatar trains: train 271/272, 263/264, 305/306, 5/6 and train 3/4. Among these trains, only 271/272 and 263/264 run daily. Travelers are highly recommended to choose one of them for this trip. The other 3 pairs of trains are international trains to Russia, this trip is only a part of their journal. 305/306, the express train, runs 3 times a week to Irkutsk, 3/4 and 5/6 run once a week to Moscow. Considering the frequency and demands of tickets, travelers are not recommended to choose these international trains for a domestic routes.
Basic Information of Ulaanbaatar to Sukhbaatar Train
Construction Year: 1949Running Distance: 379km
Duration: 6.5 to 9 hours
Along this rail line, trains can stop at up to 23 stops. Among them, Zuunkharaa and Darkhan are the two main stops. Trains usually stop for around 15min to 30min there, passengers could get off for a short break. For other small stopovers, trains only stop for around 2min only.
Ulaanbaatar to Sukhbaatar Train Schedule
(Last update on April 20, 2020)
Train No. |
Departure |
Arrival |
Duration |
Operation Date |
263 |
20:35 |
04:36+ |
8h1m |
Daily |
271 |
10:45 |
19:41 |
8h56m |
Daily |
3 |
15:22 |
21:50 |
6h28m |
Thursday |
5 |
15:22 |
21:50 |
6h28m |
Friday |
305 |
15:22 |
21:50 |
6h28m |
Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday |
Sukhbaatar to Ulaanbaatar Train Timetable
(Last update on April 20, 2020)
Train No. |
Departure |
Arrival |
Duration |
Operation Date |
264 |
20:55 |
06:00+ |
9h5m |
Daily |
272 |
07:15 |
16:30 |
9h15m |
Daily |
4 |
00:14 |
06:45 |
6h31m |
Sunday |
6 |
00:14 |
06:45 |
6h31m |
Saturday |
306 |
00:14 |
06:45 |
6h31m |
Tuesday, Wednesday,Saturday |
Ticket Fare of Ulaanbaatar to Sukhbaatar Train
(Last update on April 20, 2020)
Train |
First Class |
Second Class |
Hard Sleeper |
Hard Seat |
263/264, 271/272 |
/ |
USD8 |
USD5 |
USD3 |
3/4, 5/6, 305/306 |
/ | USD10 | USD8 | / |
How to Get to Ulaanbaatar Station
From Genghis Khan Square:Travelers can take bus No. T4 directly.
From Chinggis Khaan International Airport:
There is no direct bus from the airport to Ulaanbaatar Station. For convenience, it is recommended to take taxi. The taxi fare is around USD20. To transfer by bus, travelers may take bus No. 7 to Genghis Khan Square first and then change to bus T4 to reach railway station.