Antananarivo Weather in August
Season: Dry SeasonIn Short: mostly sunny, super dry, cool in the daytime while cold at night
The weather of Antananarivo in August is usually balmy. It is mostly sunny with low humidity. In all, August is an ideal time to pay a visit to Antananarivo. Therefore, tons of tourists will come to Antananarivo, so you need to book your plane tickets and hotel at least two weeks earlier to avoid the rise in price if visiting Antananarivo in August 2025. Besides, more visitors will bring more uncertainty to Antananarivo, so take care of yourself and your belongings.
See also: Madagascar Weather in August
The Street View in Antananarivo in August
August is one of the coldest month in Antananarivo. But generally speaking, it still has comfortable temperature. Besides, the temperature difference between day and night remains large.Average Lowest Temperature: 9.6°C (49.28°F)
Average Highest Temperature: 21°C (69.8°F)
Monthly Mean Temperature: 16°C (60.8°F)
In August, the climate of Antananarivo is quite dry. It averagely rains for 9 days in this month with the total precipitation being around 10.4 mm. Humidity is around 74.5% in this month.Sunset & Sunrise:
The sun is most likely to rise at about 6:20 and fall at 17:37 in August. The duration of daytime is about 11.3 hours and the sun shines for 7.6 hours or so.What to Wear & Bring to Visit Antananarivo in August:
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long-sleeved shirts if they’re sensitive to wind. For girls, long dresses, blouses, sun-proof coats are all great. Additionally, sports pants and light jeans are both good options as bottom clothes. For shoes, causal and comfortable slip-resistant sneakers are just fine. In the evening, it’s a must to put on a warm coat if you plan to go out.
August is not a season when mosquitoes and bugs are super active. However, it’s still advised that you take mosquito spray and cover your body as much as possible when going into the jungles. It’s also important for you to wear a pair of gloves when you set off for rainforests so that the sharp branches will not scratch your hands. Besides, remember to wear sunglasses and sunhat when doing outdoor activities to prevent the ultraviolet rays.
Where to Go in Antananarivo in August:
Tourism Rate:
1. Réserve Peyrieras Madagascar Exotic
The good road condition in August will help you get here faster and there are much fewer natural disasters than in rainy season. It’s not easy to see most of Madagascar’s representative animals in one place, but Peyrieras Reserve can do that. Visitors will be able to enjoy their time with unique local reptiles, amphibians, mammals and insects in the vast rainforests. Among all the special species, chameleons and lemurs catch your eyes at the first time.
Visitors in Peyrieras Reserve
2. Andasibe-Mantadia National Park
There will be fewer mosquitoes, less rainfall and no muddy road if you visit Andasibe rainforest reserve in August. It is renowned for rich biodiversity and is home to the endangered Indri, the biggest kind of lemur in the world. It is also the natural habitat for some other lemurs such as diademed sifakas. For reptile enthusiasts, the reserve offers you numerous endemic geckos and chameleons. Insects like giraffe-necked weevil can also be found in the mysterious rainforests. What’s more, you can choose to live one day or two in the five-star hotel inside the reserve and take your time to immerse in the nature.
Tourists going into Andasibe National Park
3. Tsarasaotra Park
Sunny days in August of Antananarivo provide you with a terrific opportunity to watch birds in Tsarasaotra Park, which is very close to the city center, so you don’t have to worry about long and tiring travel. The Lake Alarobia in the park is a habitat for various birds. Many endangered species of duck and heron are living in the park as well.
A Green Chameleon in Tsarasaotra Park
Madagascar Festival in August - Assumption Day
The holiday will be held on August 15th, 2025. It’s also called Asompsiona by Madagascar people. In fact, when the Assumption Day comes, local catholic believers will gather together in the churches to attend prayers. There will also be ceremonies and parades on the streets. If you’re interested in Madagascar people’s religious life or if you’re a catholic, then feel free to join the locals’ parades.
August Weather for Other Destinations in Madagascar:
Nosy Be Weather in August
Andasibe Weather in August
Morondava Weather in August
Ifaty Weather in August
Antananarivo Weather by Month
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